It’s pretty even when it comes to men and women who suffer fatal falls. But women are more likely to have a slip-and-fall accident. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5% of job-related fatalities for women were due to falls, while 11% of fatalities for men were due to falls. It gets worse – 8 million people end up in the ER every year due to falls, making them the top cause of visits (21.3%). Out of those 8 million, 1 million (12%) are due to slips and falls. 5% of people who fall suffer a fracture, which is the most serious consequence. Though slips and falls aren’t the primary cause of fatal occupational injuries, they’re the main cause of lost days from work and the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims. This is especially true for people aged 55 and older. If you’re considering filing a workers’ compensation claim, you may want to look into getting help from a workers’ comp lawyer.

Do I need a lawyer for a Slip and fall accident

Yes, it is advisable to consult a lawyer if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident? A lawyer can assess the details of your case and help you determine if you are eligible for compensation for any damages that you have suffered as a result of the accident. An experienced lawyer can also help you negotiate a fair settlement with the responsible party or their insurance company.

How much does it cost to have Slip and fall accident

The cost of a slip-and-fall accident lawyer can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the services provided, and the lawyer’s experience and location. Generally, lawyers charge an hourly rate or a contingency fee (a percentage of the total settlement). Hourly rates typically range from $150 to $400, while contingency fees are generally 33% to 40% of the total settlement.

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis.

What to do after a Slip and fall accident

If you’re involved in a slip and fall accident, there are several steps you should take:

  1. Check for injuries and call for medical help if needed. Your safety and the safety of others should be your top priority.
  2. Take photos of the accident scene, including any hazards that may have caused you to fall, such as a wet floor or uneven pavement.
  3. Get the names and contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident. Their accounts can help support your claim.
  4. Report the accident to the property owner or manager. They may have an accident report form for you to fill out.
  5. Keep track of any medical bills and other expenses related to the accident. You may be able to recover these costs through a personal injury claim.
  6. Consider consulting with a personal injury lawyer. They can help you understand your rights and options and represent you in any legal proceedings.

Overall, it’s important to take care of yourself and gather as much evidence as possible after a slip and fall accident. Follow the steps above and seek professional help if necessary.

Who is liable after a Slip and fall accident

Liability after a slip and fall accident depends on the specific circumstances of the accident. If the accident occurred on someone else’s property, the property owner or occupier may be liable if they were negligent in maintaining the property and failed to address any hazards that caused the accident.

For example, if a property owner knew or should have known about a wet floor and did not take steps to clean it up or warn visitors, they may be liable if someone slips and falls on the wet floor.

If the accident occurred on public property, such as a sidewalk or park, the government entity responsible for maintaining the property may be liable if they were negligent in their maintenance duties.

It’s important to consult with a personal injury lawyer to determine who may be liable for your slip and fall accident and to understand your rights and options for seeking compensation.

Can I get compensated after Slip and fall accident

It is possible to get compensated after a slip and fall accident, but the specific circumstances of the accident will determine whether you are eligible for compensation and how much you may be able to recover.

If the accident occurred on someone else’s property, you may be able to recover compensation from the property owner or occupier if they were negligent in maintaining the property and failed to address any hazards that caused the accident.

If the accident occurred on public property, you may be able to recover compensation from the government entity responsible for maintaining the property if they were negligent in their duties.

It’s important to consult with a personal injury lawyer to understand your rights and options after a slip and fall accident. They can help you determine whether you are eligible for compensation and assist you in pursuing a claim.

What kind of injuries happen for Slip and fall accident

Slip and fall accidents can result in a range of injuries, from minor scrapes and bruises to more serious injuries such as broken bones and head injuries. Some common injuries that can occur in slip and fall accidents include:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Bruises and cuts
  • Broken bones, particularly in the wrists, arms, and ankles
  • Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries, which can result in paralysis
  • Hip fractures, which can be particularly serious in older adults

The specific injuries that a person may suffer in a slip and fall accident will depend on the circumstances of the accident and the person’s age and overall health. Some people may be more vulnerable to injuries due to factors such as age, preexisting conditions, or medications that affect their balance.

Overall, it’s important to seek medical attention after a slip and fall accident to assess and treat any injuries.

Why do Slip and fall accidents happen

Slip and fall accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, but they are often the result of hazardous conditions on a property. Some common causes of slip and fall accidents include:

  • Wet or slippery floors, such as from spills, leaks, or inadequate cleaning
  • Uneven or damaged floors, such as from cracks, holes, or uneven surfaces
  • Debris or obstacles in walkways, such as from clutter, construction materials, or loose objects
  • Inadequate lighting, which can make it difficult to see hazards and navigate safely
  • Poorly designed or maintained stairways, such as from missing or broken handrails or uneven steps
  • Snow and ice, which can create slippery conditions on sidewalks and other outdoor surfaces

Overall, slip and fall accidents can happen when property owners or occupiers fail to take reasonable steps to maintain their property and address potential hazards. It’s important for property owners to regularly inspect their property and address any hazards to prevent accidents.